
The Doggyroller is a practical reward dispenser for your four-legged friend. You determine the content and the dispensing quantity. The roller is also a particularly stylish eye-catcher as a lifestyle accessory.

Especially suitable in stressful situations, at the veterinarian, during trick training, at the dog training field, during daily walks, during sports, during potty training, for strengthening the bond, for dogs who are reluctant to drink, for daily snack breaks, during recall training, during playtime, for distraction, and more.

Start now with the next level dog reward and secure a snack roller in the color that suits you!

calming - hygienic - refillable

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"Yes, the Doggyroller is a helpful training tool for dogs. It can be used to reward your dog in a sustainable way. Make sure to introduce your four-legged friend to the Doggyroller gently and reward them gradually with the Doggyroller to ensure they feel comfortable and know they'll receive a tasty treat when you offer them the lick roller. 😊"

During command training with the Doggyroller, you should follow these steps:

  • Step 1: Familiarization - Introduce your dog to the Doggyroller in a calm environment. Show it to your dog, let them sniff it, and allow them to lick it.
  • Step 2: Commands - Use the desired command, such as "Forward" or "Down." Assist your dog in understanding the command.
  • Step 3: Reward - Reward your dog with the lick roller only when they correctly execute a command. Additional praise reinforces their positive behavior. (If you're using a clicker: Click + Reward. Always follow the same pattern.)
  • Step 4: Progression - Gradually increase the intensity of different commands and the duration of training. Continue to reward your dog when they follow the commands correctly.

Important: Ensure that the training is always positive and free from violence. If your dog shows fear or appears stressed, you should immediately stop the training and try it again at a later time.

Liquid dog treats can be a practical option for various reasons:

  1. Quick Reward: Liquid treats are easy to measure and can be quickly given to the dog, making them ideal for immediate rewards in training.

  2. Versatility: They can be used in various ways, such as on lick mats, for administering medications, or to facilitate the intake of supplements.

  3. Low Calories: Liquid treats are often lower in calories compared to solid treats, which makes them suitable for dogs with weight issues or on diets.

  4. No Chewing: For dogs with dental problems or older dogs who have difficulty chewing, liquid treats are easier to swallow.

  5. Flavor Variety: Liquid treats (e.g., smoothies, soups, etc.) come in different flavors or can be easily prepared at home, making them appealing to picky eaters.

However, it's essential to check the ingredient list and ensure that liquid treats contain high-quality and healthy ingredients. Like all treats, they should be used in moderation to maintain a balanced diet.

Yes, you can use the Doggyroller lick roller in dog school to support your dog's training. It can be used as a reward tool to promote desired behaviors and capture your dog's attention. When using the lick roller in dog school, consider the following tips:

  1. Positive Reinforcement: Use the lick roller as a reward for correct behavior during training. This can make the training more engaging and motivating for your dog.

  2. Proper Dosage: Ensure that you dose the amount of lick substance on the roller appropriately to prevent your dog from getting too much at once.

  3. Hygiene: Keep the lick roller clean and hygienic to protect your dog's health. Avoid transferring it from one dog to another.

  4. Introduction: Make sure that the dogs in dog school are already familiar with lick rollers or introduce them gently to the new training tool.

  5. Versatility: The lick roller can also be used in combination with other training methods and exercises to add variety to the training.

The Doggyroller lick roller can be an effective addition to training, but always be attentive to your dog's needs and preferences and adjust the training accordingly.

Yes, you can definitely make fillings for the Doggyroller lick roller yourself. This allows you to have control over the ingredients and tailor them to your dog's preferences and needs. Here's a simple guide:


  • Unsweetened, natural yogurt (without sugar or xylitol)
  • Finely pureed fruits or vegetables (e.g., bananas, strawberries, pumpkin, carrots)
  • Natural peanut butter diluted (without xylitol or sweeteners)
  • Unsalted chicken broth
  • Diluted sausage pastes (check the ingredients)

Let your creativity run wild and cater to your dog's preferences:

  • Mix the yogurt with the pureed fruit or vegetables. You can adjust the mixture to your dog's preferences. For a sweeter filling, you can add some peanut butter.

  • If you wish, you can also stir in some chicken broth to intensify the flavor.

  • Experiment with healthy ingredients like Omega-3-rich salmon oil, well-tolerated herbs, etc.

  • Ensure a smooth, liquid consistency without chunks (which could get stuck while rolling) and fill the mixture into the Doggyroller lick roller.

Remember to give the filling in moderation and ensure that the ingredients used are safe and suitable for your dog. Avoid foods that could be toxic to dogs, such as chocolate or raisins. Homemade fillings can be a healthy and tasty treat for your dog.

TIP: If you've made too much filling, you can freeze the excess or make convenient ice cubes that you can later dissolve in fresh water in the roller, providing a tasty refreshment for your buddy, especially in hot weather.

The Doggyroller lick roller can be used as a supplement to a BARF (Biologically Appropriate Raw Feeding) diet to provide your dog with occasional treats and variety. However, it's important to consider which ingredients you put into the lick roller and how they fit into your dog's BARF diet.

Here are some considerations:

  1. Ingredient Selection: Ensure that the ingredients in the lick roller filling are safe and healthy for your dog. Use raw meat or suitable meat substitute products that align with a BARF diet.
  2. Variety: Use the lick roller to diversify your dog's diet and offer different proteins and nutrients. You can include raw meat, organ meats, vegetables, and fruits in the filling.
  3. Hygiene: Pay attention to hygiene when making BARF treats. Keep meat and vegetables clean and fresh to minimize potential health risks.
  4. Portion Control: Monitor the amount of filling in the lick roller to ensure it aligns with your dog's overall feeding and doesn't exceed the recommended daily portions.
  5. Individual Needs: Remember that the nutritional requirements of each dog are different. If your dog has special dietary needs or allergies, consult a veterinarian or a dog nutritionist to ensure that the lick roller filling meets their requirements.

The Doggyroller lick roller can be an interesting addition to your dog's BARF diet, but it should always be used in moderation and in coordination with your dog's overall diet. Consider your dog's individual needs and preferences, and consult a veterinarian or nutrition expert if you have any uncertainties.

Filling the Doggyroller lick roller is simple and can be adjusted to your dog's preferences and needs. Here's a guide on how to fill the lick roller correctly:

  1. Opening: Open the lick roller by unscrewing the protective cap. Hold the Doggyroller with your weaker hand and place your stronger hand on the ball so that you can flip the attachment forward with your thumb and palm, creating a snap.

  2. Filling: Fill the inner chamber of the lick roller with the desired filling. You can use items like smoothies (without chunks), yogurt, homemade treats, a soup, or diluted pastes for dogs.

  3. Quantity: Ensure that you dose the filling appropriately. You want to make sure the lick roller is interesting to your dog.

  4. Closing: Carefully close the lick roller to secure the filling inside. Insert the ball into the attachment and push the attachment along with the ball with a snap until it clicks.

  5. Offering: Offer the filled lick roller to your dog. Your dog will lick it to access the reward, which can be fun and provide mental stimulation.

  6. Observation: Observe your dog during use to ensure it is safe and that no parts of the lick roller are swallowed. If the lick roller is damaged or shows signs of wear, replace it or the damaged part.

The type of filling and the quantity depend on your dog's preferences and needs. You can experiment with different fillings to discover what your dog likes best. Filling the Doggyroller lick roller can be a fun and educational activity for your dog.

The choice between a Doggyroller lick roller and chew treats depends on your dog's needs and preferences. Both have their advantages, and the decision can be influenced by various factors. Here are some reasons why you might opt for a Doggyroller lick roller:

  1. Mental Stimulation: The Doggyroller lick roller requires your dog to use tactile skills and dexterity to extract the reward. This can provide mental stimulation and reduce boredom.

  2. Slower Eating: The lick roller typically dispenses the reward more slowly than chew treats, which can help keep your dog occupied for longer and prevent them from eating too quickly while still enjoying an extended reward session.

  3. Lower Caloric Intake: A lick roller can be a way to give your dog a tasty reward without providing many calories. Chew treats are usually calorie-dense.

  4. Gum and Teeth Health: Chewing on chew treats can be good for your dog's dental health, but the Doggyroller lick roller can provide the necessary variety.

  5. Allergies and Sensitivities: If your dog has special dietary needs or allergies, the lick roller can be a safer option since you have control over the filling.

It's important to consider your dog's needs and preferences. Some dogs prefer chewing on treats, while others enjoy the challenge of licking the filling out of a lick roller. You can also use both options to add variety to your dog's reward system. The key is to ensure that the rewards are safe and healthy for your dog and align with their diet.

The Doggyroller lick roller is suitable for most dog breeds as long as the dog has an interest in reward games. However, it's important to note that the compatibility of the lick roller may depend on the size of the dog and its jaw. Here are some considerations:

  1. Dog Size: The Doggyroller is available in a standard size. Very small dogs (mini dogs) or very large dogs may have difficulty with the lick roller due to jaw size. A general guideline is that the Doggyroller should be suitable for dogs weighing between 3kg and 30kg (normal weight).

  2. Bite Strength: Dogs with a strong jaw and a powerful bite should be rewarded with the lick roller carefully. It's dangerous if your dog bites into the lick roller or if parts of it end up in their digestive tract, which could be life-threatening. Consider the situation and your dog's experience with the lick roller.

  3. Dexterity: Some dogs are more dexterous and patient than others. Dogs that enjoy problem-solving and challenges will likely appreciate the lick roller. For impatient dogs, the lick roller may be less suitable.

  4. Training Level: The lick roller can also be used for training and mental stimulation. Dogs that already have some basic commands mastered can benefit from this type of activity.

  5. Interests and Preferences: Consider your dog's individual preferences. Some dogs love licking things, while others prefer to chew, and some enjoy both. Compatibility often depends on individual interests.

It's important to use the lick roller under supervision, especially if your dog tends to dismantle things. Monitor your dog while they use the lick roller to ensure they are safe and happy. Each breed and each dog is unique, so suitability for the Doggyroller lick roller can vary from dog to dog.

Yes, you can use the Doggyroller lick roller for puppies, but there are some important things to consider:

  1. Age-Appropriate Toy: Make sure the lick roller is suitable for your puppy's age. If your puppy is still very young, they may have difficulty getting the reward through licking.

  2. Filling Control: Ensure that the filling you put in the lick roller is appropriate for puppies. You can use many pureed foods that are easy to lick and digest.

  3. Supervision: Always use the lick roller under supervision. Puppies tend to explore and chew on everything, so it's important to ensure that you use the lick roller safely.

  4. Patience and Training: Puppies may need to learn how to use the lick roller. Some puppies may not immediately understand how to obtain the reward from it. Patience and training are required to get them accustomed to it.

  5. Avoid Overfeeding: Be mindful of limiting the amount of the reward in the lick roller to ensure your puppy doesn't consume too many calories at once.

The Doggyroller lick roller can be a fun and educational experience for puppies. It promotes mental stimulation and can help keep them engaged. However, always prioritize your puppy's safety and ensure that the lick roller is age and size-appropriate.